www.AANP-JNEN.com © 2024
Annual Meeting Registration
American Association of Neuropathologists
80th Annual Meeting
Cleveland, OH
June 24-27, 2004
Thank you for choosing to register online. In order to register online, you must have the following:
- If you are a member of the AANP, you must have your Membership ID number in order to register at the member rates. If you do not know your Membership ID number, please call George Perry, the Secretary-Treasurer at 216-368-2488.
- Preregistration fees through Monday May 24, 2004 are: $125 for members, $175 for nonmembers and $55 for trainees. Late and on-site registrants will be charged an $25 additional processing fee.
- One ticket to the Friday evening Annual Reception is included with each paid meeting registration. Additional Reception tickets for guests of attendees may be purchased at $20 each for members/nonmembers and $10 each for trainees.
- Slide sets of the cases to be presented at the annual Diagnostic Slide Session (Staurday, June 24) are available for $60 each. The slide sets are sold on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Registration Fees
Member Non-member Trainee General Registration (before through May 24) $125 $175 $55 Special Course $125 $125 $125 Diagnostic Slide Session Set $60 $60 $60 The General Registration Fee is required for admittance to any function of the Association. This fee entitles you to attend all scientific sessions on Friday and Saturday, the Friday evening reception, the Saturday evening Diagnostic Slide Session and the Sunday morning Presidential Symposium. An additional fee of $125 is required for admittance to the Speical Course on Thursday, June 24.
- You must supply a valid email address in order to receive immediate email confirmation of your registration.
- The AANP accepts payments by any of the following credit cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa. Payment by one of these cards is required to register online.
- Housing reservations may be made by selecting the hotel reservation link, or by visiting the Marriot Renaissance website, http://www.renaissancehotels.com. Please indicate that you are attending the AANP meeting to qualify for discounted room rates: $159 single/double, exclusive of taxes. To receive this discount, you must supply the code NERNERA. You will receive a confirmation directly from the hotel.
Your registration is not complete until you see the page that says "This is your Registration Acknowledgement". Please print that page and save it for your records. At that time you should also receive an acknowledgement of your conference registration at the email address you have provided.
Proceed to Online Registration
Click here to download a 2004 Meeting Registration in PDF format.
Click here to download Hotel Registration Form in PDF format.
Click here to go to the Membership Application Form.
Send question/comments to: aanp@cwru.edu