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Revised and Accepted by the Membership at the June 1999 Meeting


The name of this society shall be "The American Association of Neuropathologists, Incorporated."


Section 1
The purpose of the Association shall be to advance the science, practice and teaching of neuropathology.

Section 2
The science of neuropathology is understood to include the study of diverse aspects of diseases of the nervous system, including changes at tissue, cellular, subcellular and molecular levels, with a consideration of the etiology and pathophysiology, genetics, epidemiology, and clinical manifestations of such diseases. The practice of neuropathology is understood to include diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system, and teaching and training in the science and practice of neuropathology.


Section 1
Active members shall be graduates in medicine or veterinary medicine or hold doctoral degrees in pathology or neuropathology who, when elected, are actively engaged in neuropathology including teaching, research, diagnosis and/or practice. They shall have made original contributions to neuropathology and have had at least four years of specialized training and/or experience in the study of diseases of the nervous system. At least two of these years must directly concern neuropathology, applied or experimental. Active members shall have full voting privileges and the right to be elected and serve as officers and councilors of the Association and to serve on committees.

Section 2
Associate members shall be persons of postdoctoral status who have had at least four years training and/or experience in any field related to neuropathology and who have made original contributions to neurological sciences. Associate members shall have the right to vote on the admission of new associate members and have the right to serve on committees and on the Executive Council.

Section 3
Affiliate members shall be in one of two categories: 1) Those engaged in the study of neuropathology who have completed at least one year of this study and who must qualify for active or associate membership according to Article III, Sections 1 and 2 within five years after election. If qualification for active or associate membership is not achieved within five years, the affiliate membership will be automatically rescinded, pending review by council, and 2) Outstanding individuals who have contributed meritoriously to the field of Neuropathology but who do not hold a doctoral degree. Affiliate members are not eligible to hold office, serve on committees or vote on the admission of new active or associate members.

Section 4
Honorary members shall be exceptionally distinguished investigators or teachers in the field of the neurological sciences. They shall not be eligible to hold office or vote in the Association, and shall be exempt from the payment of dues.

Section 5
Senior members shall be former active or associate members who upon retirement from active professional life have requested and been granted this status. They no longer have to pay dues to the Association, but are entitled to all their previous membership privileges.


Section 1
Candidates for active and honorary membership shall be nominated in writing by two active members of the Association. Candidates for affiliate and for associate membership may be nominated by two active and/or associate members. Any member in good standing who anticipates retirement may request in writing a change in status to the senior category. The request should be submitted to the Membership Committee and that Committee’s decision will have to be approved by the Executive Council.

Section 2
The nominators shall submit to the Chairman of the Membership Committee a completed application form. Candidates for Honorary Membership shall have submitted on their behalf two explanatory letters from two Active Members of the Association in lieu of an application form.

Section 3
The application will be reviewed by the Membership Committee and the application with a recommendation will be submitted to the Council. After receiving the recommendation of the Membership Committee, the Council will vote on the application. The list of proposed members will be circulated to the membership for comments, and final action will be ratified by the membership at the annual meeting.


Section 1
The officers of the Association shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Vice-President, a Vice-President-Elect, a Vice-President for Professional Affairs, a Secretary-Treasurer, and an Assistant Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 2
The officers shall be elected for a term of one year or from the end of the annual meeting of their election through the next annual meeting. The Vice-President for Professional Affairs, the Secretary-Treasurer and the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer may be re-elected, but not serve more than five consecutive times.

Section 3
The Council of the Association shall consist of the officers, the three preceding presidents of the Association, two members-at-large and the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. One of the members-at-large may be an associate member. The member-at-large shall serve for a period of four years, one member-at-large being elected alternately every two years.

Section 4
As a member society, the Association is represented in the International Society of Neuropathology by a designated number of councilors. The councilors shall be elected for a term of three years, renewable once. Election of councilors will occur at the annual business meeting at least 12 months but not exceeding 24 months prior to the International Congress of Neuropathology. Councilors will represent the interest of the American Association of Neuropathologists and carry out such duties requested by officers of the International Society and Congress.


Section 1
The President shall appoint annually the last four preceding presidents as a Nominating Committee under the chairmanship of the immediate past president. The Nominating Committee shall nominate the candidates for the offices of the Association and the Councilors of the International Society of Neuropathology to be filled at the Annual Meeting. Active Members of the Association may also present nominations from the floor at the time of the meeting.

The Nominating Committee in consultation with the President and Vice-President of the Association, upon recommendation of an active or associate member, shall select recipients of the Award for Distinguished Service to Neuropathology.

Section 2
A majority of the votes cast by the active members present at the annual meeting shall be necessary for election of officers.

Section 3
The officers of the Association shall be active members.

Section 4
The Vice-President for Professional Affairs shall be fully licensed to practice medicine and shall be engaged in diagnosis and teaching of neuropathology.


Section 1
The President shall direct the affairs and preside over all the meetings of the Association and of the Council. He shall be empowered to call special meetings and shall appoint all committee chairmen, except the chairman of the Professional Affairs Committee, and in consultation with each chairman, shall appoint the other members of each committee, except as provided for the Nominating Committee (Article VI, Section 1). There will be the following standing committees: Nominating, Membership, Program, Constitution, Professional Affairs and Awards. No committee chairman may serve consecutively as such for more than two years. Members of the Professional Affairs Committee, including its Chairman, may serve as such for up to five years. Liaison shall be maintained with the Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, the Diagnostic Slide Session and such other functions as may be appropriate for the best interests of the Association and of the science of Neuropathology.

The president shall appoint an Archivist who will serve a term of four years and who may be reappointed. The President shall select the Fishman-Moore and Korey lecturers each year in conjunction with the Nominating Committee and the Chair of the Program Committee.

The Membership Committee reviews applications of candidates for membership in the Association and determines eligibility for acceptance in the appropriate category in accordance with guidelines noted in Article III.

The Program Committee selects and arranges the scientific program for the annual meeting through a mechanism determined jointly by the Committee Chairman, committee members and in consultation with the president. The Constitution Committee is charged with maintenance of the Constitution as a useable guide to governing the affairs of the Association. Changes in the Constitution may be considered at the request of five or more active or associate members of the Association to the President and other officers. Drafts of changes are handled as outlined in Article XII.

The Awards Committee is charged with the task of determining awardees of the Weil Award, the Moore Award, and the Rubinstein Award utilizing broad guidelines previously outlined when the awards were established. Criteria for judging are established by the Committee in consultation with the appropriate officers of the Association.

Section 2
The President, President-Elect and Secretary-Treasurer shall be ex-officio members of all committees.

Section 3
The President-Elect automatically becomes President at the end of the term of the incumbent President. The Vice-President-Elect automatically becomes Vice-President at the end of the term of the incumbent Vice-President.

Section 4
The Vice-President shall assist the President in the discharge of his duties and shall perform the duties of the President in case of his absence or disability.

Section 5
The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a correct and permanent record of the meetings and of the financial transactions of the Association and shall submit a financial report at the Annual Meeting. He shall conduct the correspondence and, with the President, shall notify new members of their election to membership. He shall perform such other duties as may be demanded in conducting the business of the Association and shall assist the Program Committee in preparing the program of the annual meeting.

Section 6
The Assistant Secretary-Treasurer shall carry out such duties as are assigned him by the Secretary-Treasurer. In addition, he will coordinate all Continuing Medical Education (CME) activities throughout the year, as well as at the Annual Meeting.

Section 7
The Vice-President for Professional Affairs shall be chairman of the Professional Affairs Committee. He shall keep the Association informed in all professional affairs affecting the practice, including teaching, research, training and certification in neuropathology. Subject to the wishes of the President, he may represent the Association at meetings with representatives of other organizations, public or private, in the pursuit of information pertaining to professional affairs. The members of the Professional Affairs Committee shall be licensed to practice medicine and shall be actively engaged in the practice of neuropathology.

Section 8
The Archivist shall maintain files to include but not limited to the curriculum vitae of members and of applicants passed by the Membership Committee, past programs and abstracts of papers presented at the meeting, a set of slides and case information for slides presented at the Slide Session, all correspondence and printed matter, and other memorabilia.


Section 1
There shall be an annual meeting of the Association which shall be held at the time and place designated by the President and Council.

Section 2
At the Scientific Session of the annual meeting, the members of the Association and invited guests shall present communications related to their work in neuropathology.

Section 3
The titles of the scientific presentations, together with their summaries, shall be communicated to the Program Chairman at least three months in advance of the meeting. The Program Committee shall allot the time for each presentation. The program of the meeting shall be mailed by the Secretary-Treasurer to the members at least four weeks in advance of the meeting.

Section 4
At the business session of the annual meeting, ten percent of the active membership, or 50 active members, whichever is smaller, shall constitute a quorum. Only members in good standing may attend, and only active members shall have the right to vote, except as indicated in Article III, Section 2.

Section 5
The order of business at all business meetings shall be as follows:

* proof of notice of meeting
* reading of minutes of the previous meeting
* receiving of communications
* reports of officers and committee chairman
* unfinished business
* new business

Section 6
The authority on parliamentary procedure shall be "Robert’s Rule of Order Revised" in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution of the Association. Any question regarding priority of business shall be decided by the Chair without debate. The foregoing order of business may be altered or suspended at any meeting by a majority vote of the active members present.

Section 7
The Council of the Association shall meet at least once yearly to advise the officers of the Association on all matters pertaining to the purposes and best interests of the Association, and shall fulfill such other duties as are stated in Article IX. The Council may, at the request of the President, hold additional meetings at any time of the year upon sufficient written notice to all members of the Council.

Section 8
The Diagnostic Slide Session is recognized and conducted as a part of the annual meeting, and a time for such presentation shall be designated and published in the program. The financial report of the Diagnostic Slide Session shall be incorporated into financial report of the Association.


Section 1
Active, associate and affiliate members shall pay such dues as proposed by the Council and approved by majority vote of the active members present at the annual meeting.

Section 2
The Council may, upon appropriate action, exempt individual members from payment of dues. After 25 years of membership, after reaching age 65, or upon retirement for age or disability, members may apply to the Council and be granted senior status which shall relieve them of any obligation for payment of dues. No member shall lose any of his previous rights by reason of any such exemption from payment of dues.

Section 3
No officer or councilor of the Association shall receive compensation for his services. The President may authorize the payment to any officer or committee member of reasonable reimbursement for expenses incurred on behalf of the Association.


Abstracts for the annual meeting will not be accepted from members in arrears in their dues as of January 1. Members in arrears will also not continue to receive the Journal or mailings from the Secretary-Treasurers’ office. Failure of any member of the Association to pay dues for two years, unless exempted as provided for in Article IX, Section 2, may be considered sufficient cause to remove that individual from membership in the Association on recommendation of the Council. The Secretary-Treasurer shall, three months before the annual meeting, notify those members who may be liable to forfeit membership, but failure of the member to receive such notification shall not relieve the member of his responsibility. Unethical conduct of a member may also be brought to the attention of the Council for consideration of cancellation of membership.

ARTICLE XI: Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology

Section 1
The association shall publish the Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, which shall be the official journal of the Association to which all Association members shall automatically subscribe, with the exception of senior and honorary members.

Section 2
The Council and members of the Association shall appoint an Editor-in-Chief of the Journal who must be an Active Member of the Association and who shall serve for a period of five years, renewable once for a five year term, but not more than ten consecutive years. This period may be lengthened or shortened for due cause by approval of the Council and Members. The Editor-in-Chief shall appoint an Editorial Board of limited tenure; members of the Editorial Board shall serve for periods of 2, 3 or 4 years, renewable at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief, but for not more than 6 consecutive years. The majority of the Editorial Board shall be composed of Active or Associate members of the Association. The size of the Editorial Board will be such as to meet the needs of the Journal as determined by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief, with the advice of the Editorial Board, shall have full authority and responsibility for control of the Journal editorial policy and arrangements for publication.

When a new Editor-in-Chief is to be selected a Search Committee shall be appointed by the President with approval of the Council no later than 1 year before expiration of the term of the incumbent Editor-in-Chief. The Search Committee shall consist of no less than five and no more than seven Active members and shall include two members of the Council, two members from the membership-at-large and the incumbent Editor-in-Chief. No member of the Search Committee shall be a candidate for the position of Editor-in-Chief unless the Council decides that due cause and special circumstances require the incumbent Editor-in-Chief to serve an extended term of limited tenure.

Section 3
The Association through its Council shall have full authority and responsibility for the financial management of the Journal and shall provide the funds needed for the publication of the Journal, as determined by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief shall present a full account of the use of these funds to the Council at its annual meeting or at other times as may be requested by the Council, President, or Secretary-Treasurer.


A motion to amend the Constitution may be made by the Constitution Committee or by five other active members. If initiated by the latter, they should sign such a motion and present it to the Secretary-Treasurer, who in turn will submit it to the Constitution Committee for consideration and comments. Any motion to amend the Constitution must then be communicated to the members of the Association at least four weeks before the annual meeting. For such amendments to be adopted, it shall require an affirmative vote of three-fourths of the active members present at the annual meeting. © 2024